Hybrid Landscapes by Atelier Crilo inaugurates Futura Memoria: an exhibition, curated by architect and blogger Salvatore d’Agostino, on the work modalities of the architectural firm founded by Cristian Farinella and Lorena Greco, which distinguishes itself in Italy for the innovation of drawing techniques and visual and creative design.
Through a two-phase approach, between hand-drawing and computer-drawing, the firm defines new landscapes. Hybrid drawings are used as a means to find new architectural spaces, which newly define the concept of landscape, never static by its nature but always evolving between past and future.
Through a two-phase approach, between hand-drawing and computer-drawing, the firm defines new landscapes. Hybrid drawings are used as a means to find new architectural spaces, which newly define the concept of landscape, never static by its nature but always evolving between past and future.
“The Hybrid Landscapes of Atelier Crilo are image landscapes which speculate, with irony, on controversial themes in the architecture of the last years: the intensive development, even in a period of strong economic recession, of the vertical architecture of urban landscapes of planet Earth; the unbuilt spaces in densely built cities; the ruins within a city of buildings which have recently terminated their economic cycle; the fascination for isolated houses with high economic and aesthetic value”
(Salvatore D'Agostino, Milano, 2015).
(Salvatore D'Agostino, Milano, 2015).